- TWO ONLINE SURVEYS via a unique link sent only to you
1. Your Whole Health and Medical History
2. The Leadership Circle ProfileTM, a pioneering 360-degree leadership assessment
- LIFESTYLE COACHING – Executive Lifestyle AnalysisTM
A 2-hour confidential conversation with a Be Well Lead Well® Executive Coach to discover the progress you’ve made in transforming stress and utilizing wellbeing as resource for leading effectively and living fully. We will reach out to you directly to schedule this conversation.
Complete 8 weeks prior to upcoming retreat using the two test kits with simple instructions delivered to you.
1. Blood draw at your nearest laboratory
2. Saliva screening at home
Your confidential results—along with the whole health and medical history you completed—will be sent directly to our integrative medical partner, the International Health & Wellness Center. IHWC’s team of physicians will analyze your confidential results—making note of health changes you’ve achieved—and share the insights with you at the upcoming retreat.
- COMMITMENT PLAN to Be Well Lead Well®
Update your Be Well Lead Well® Commitment Plan with insights and progress you’ve gained during the program.
These actions will provide you grounded insights about your life and leadership today compared with the beginning of your Be Well Lead Well® Women journey.
One of these two retreat options will be chosen by your cohort of women leaders to derive the greatest benefit from the program for you and your sponsoring organisation.
Retreat 4, Option 1—Achieve these retreat OUTCOMES
You will leave this retreat with:
- Insights about unique approaches making thriving a priority beyond your organisation.
- Use of an enlightening model of human and cultural evolution to assess the value systems of people you want to positively impact and map how to facilitate thriving based on their unique worldviews.
- A deep enthusiasm and clear actions, identified in your Be Well Lead Well® Commitment Plan, for using your life and leadership to amplify the consciousness and practices of thriving.
Retreat 4, Option 2—Achieve these retreat OUTCOMES
From this retreat (styled as an incubator) you leave with:
- Progress made on a project that is significant to your sponsoring organisation—for instance, a culture change or talent development initiative, a community partnership, a wellbeing innovation, or a clear strategy to advance thriving beyond your organisation.
- A deep enthusiasm and clear actions, identified in your Be Well Lead Well® Commitment Plan, for using your life and leadership to amplify the consciousness and practices of thriving.
Spend 4 REJUVENATING DAYS @ the International Health & Wellness Center in Colorado (for both Option 1 and 2)
- As the final CYCLE of this program, you will participate in your second comprehensive executive wellness assessment covering brain, heart, hormonal, and immune system health, and you’ll compare your results with those from the beginning of the program.
- Extend your time at the Center before or after this retreat to take part in the exceptional spa and medical services.
- Again, mindfulness practice, bodywork, yoga, music, healthy eating, time in nature, and other forms of self-care and community-building are threaded throughout this retreat experience.
Receive IN-DEPTH TRAINING (for Options 1 and 2)
Get inspired by the unique ways people in all sectors—government, education, healthcare, nonprofit, business, civil society—are advancing thriving across the globe, as we address these core questions:
- What does thriving, wellbeing, and like concepts mean to different cultures and values systems around the world?
- How is thriving being amplified globally in both conventional and unconventional ways?
Special guests will join us for rich, consciousness-raising dialogues that stretch your brain, warm your heart, and ignite completely new possibilities for healthy, inspired leadership … new possibilities to help you truly BE WELL and LEAD WELL.
Take home NEW INSIGHTS AND TOOLS to be well and lead well
- Your commitment to thriving is anchored as a powerful resource for leading effectively.
- Your personal Framework for Thriving is now a robust tool to help you consistently operate from a transcendent purpose and vision of significance—where your leadership is a higher path for living, growing, and cultivating thriving in the world.
- Your mindfulness, energy management, and other tools and skills for thriving are a central part of who you are as leader and human being.
- You have forged deep connections with other remarkable women, lifelong partners and resources on your shared journeys to make the world a place where thriving is possible for all.


You will participate in your fourth retreat—this time four days in length—at the International Health & Wellness Center in Colorado. Together, you and the other incredible women in the program will explore emerging wisdom about how to strengthen the consciousness and practices of thriving for benefit in the world at large.
This retreat will dive into the core questions: What does wellbeing mean to different cultures and values systems around the world? and How can wellbeing be amplified? You will learn about a model of human and cultural evolution, an enlightening framework for facilitating thriving based on the different value systems and worldviews people hold across the globe, and you will map out how to use this model in ways relevant to you. Special guests will join us for mind-stretching, consciousness-building dialogues that stimulate your brain, warm your heart, and ignite completely new possibilities for healthy, inspired leadership … new possibilities to help you BE WELL and LEAD WELL.
Because this is the last CYCLE of the program, you will participate once again in a comprehensive executive wellness assessment covering brain, heart, hormonal, and immune system health to note progress you’ve made over the course of the program. Many of you will opt to extend your time at the Center before or after this retreat to take part in the exceptional spa and medical services. Mindfulness practice, bodywork, yoga, music, healthy eating, time in nature, and other forms of self-care and community-building are threaded throughout this retreat experience.
This retreat will help you anchor your commitment to wellbeing as a powerful resource for leading effectively, plus connect you with others who are demonstrating wellbeing leadership in innovative ways. Beyond mindfulness, energy management, and other skills you will have acquired, you will leave the program with a core tool, your personal Framework for Thriving, to consistently operate from a transcendent purpose and vision of significance where leadership is a higher path for living, growing, and cultivating thriving in the world.

Your journey through Be Well Lead Well® Women will close through these activities:
Your last 1:1 confidential conversation with the Integrative Health Advisor regarding health matters you are addressing.
The final 1.5-hour quarterly training session with organisational sponsors to support you and your peers in transitioning from the program.
Concluding sessions to make mindfulness and biofeedback part of your daily life and work.
A closing 1.5-hour e-dialogue with the cohort of amazing women leaders who participated in Be Well Lead Well® Women with you. Together, you’ll celebrate the progress made over the course of this year together.
You’ll have the opportunity to take part in the growing network of leaders committed to demonstrating more conscious and enlightened leadership globally.
You end this program with a profound revitalization of yourself, invaluable relationships with other women who are part of this growing, conscious leadership community, and a greater ability to amplify thriving in your life, your relationships and teams, your organisation, and beyond.
Be Well Lead Well® Women is your invitation to thrive as a fully engaged leader, a whole human being, and a facilitator of a better world!