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Human Centered Leadership Advances Workplace Wellbeing

“To create environments where all people can thrive…is what it means to be an effective leader period.”

A human-centered approach to leadership is more important now than ever before and is at the heart of advancing wellbeing for people, teams, and organizations.

Renee Moorefield, CEO of Wisdom Works and Executive Director of Be Well Lead Well®, discusses human centered leadership in a panel conversation with Denise Bober, CHRO at The Breakers Palm Beach. Moderated by Danielle Posa, Founder of Workplace Wellbeing Advisors, the session was part of the recent Global Online Summit hosted by the Global Wellness Institute Workplace Wellbeing Initiative.

These pioneers of workplace wellbeing—or as Danielle commented, “leading the charge when NO ONE was talking about it”—explore what it means to be a human-centered leader, how they have embodied this type of leadership, and how to measure thriving, wellbeing, and the impact of a whole person leadership style. At the conclusion, they also share that the best place to start in developing human-centered leadership and cultures of wellbeing is right where you are. Watch the recording below to hear more!

“A human-centered leader sees people, first and foremost as human beings…and wants to create situations where people are valued, where people are welcomed, people are respected, and people can have their voice heard.”—Renee Moorefield