When it comes to gender identity, leaders across the health and wellbeing industry showed no real differences in their overall wellbeing leadership. A deeper analysis of each industry sector, however, told a different story.
Leaders identifying as female reported a wellbeing leadership advantage within the Global Wellness Economy and Healthcare sectors. Females within these sectors reported greater use of Breathing as Fuel and Awe & Appreciation to optimize their stress, energy, and performance than their male counterparts. Those in the Global Wellness Economy also reported greater ability to use Eating as Fuel.
The Human Potential & Development sector showed a different pattern. Leaders identifying as male reported greater Resilience, the ability to restore their wellbeing after stressful experiences, than females in this sector. These leaders also scored higher in their abilities for Seeking New Perspectives, Emotional Capacity, and Today & Tomorrow—their experience of a high quality of life today and an optimism that their future will be as good or better than today.

To use content or findings from this report, please cite Leading in the Health & Wellbeing Industry 2023, Wisdom Works Group, Inc., or contact us for permission.