- Attend your first Be Well Lead Well Women retreat, a 4-day rejuvenating experience at the International Health & Wellness Center in Colorado Springs, Colorado. This world-class wellness destination is located at the breathtaking Garden of the Gods, a registered National Natural Landmark. Here, you and the other women leaders participating in Be Well Lead Well Women not only have access to an array of spa, wellness, and integrative medicine services, you’ll also receive in-depth training in the latest science and practices for thriving and how to turn these into positive lifestyle habits. And because this is Cycle 1 of the program, you’ll also participate in an in-depth executive health & wellness assessment covering brain, heart, and immune system health and functional fitness. You’ll participate in this assessment again in Cycle 4 to observe the effects of your commitment to the program on your physical health and energy, wellbeing, and lifestyle.
- Take part, during the retreat, in yoga, mindfulness, bodywork and other somatic practices, as well as healthy eating, time in nature, and space to reconnect with yourself.
- Leave the retreat both refreshed and clear about actions you can take to enhance your ability to thrive in life and work, guided by your Be Well Lead Well® Commitment Plan.